Discharge Planners & Homecare Providers
Increase patient compliance, patient satisfaction and decrease re-admissions. Customize your homecare instructions based on your patient populations. Your patients will have free access to your instructions based on their prescribed home medical devices and procedures.
MedView will develop a custom “Learning Management Systems” with instructions from selected device manufacturers or your clinicians.
Instructions may include:
- video demonstrations of how to set up, clean and properly maintain their medical equipment,
- access to operation information for trouble-shooting problems,
- instructions for medication preparation & device management (catheter care, wound care & sterility),
- other helpful hints about the medical devices – maintenance.
Current Home Care Instruction Categories
- Oxygen Concentrators – Stationary & Portable
- Sleep Apnea Equipment – CPAP, BiPAP, NIV
- Medications – IVs, Sub-Q, Injections, etc.
- Diabetic Pumps, Meters and Supplies
- Infusion Pumps, Supplies and Procedures – PICC, Port-a-cath, Sub-Q
- Wound Care – Dressing Changes, Sterile Procedures,
- Durable Medical Equipment (Beds, Wheelchairs, etc.)