MyCareLink – Medtronics RPM
- Mycarelink connect provides the answers you need, such as:
Helpful resources specific to your monitor and heart device
Troubleshooting tips for your monitor
Education on remote monitoring - Mycarelink connect is also for your family and friends:
Invite up to four people to enroll and view your account.
Sign up to get reminders about your transmission status and schedule.
Your information is always private, so you may invite or remove a person at any time.
If you have an implanted heart device, ongoing care doesn’t end at the implant. It’s important to maintain a connection with your doctor or clinic for the life of your device. One of the best ways to do this is through remote monitoring.
Remote monitoring is a way for your implanted heart device to communicate with your doctor or clinic using a small monitor, potentially reducing the number of times you have to travel to your clinic for an implanted heart device check.
Studies show that remote monitoring:
- Helps doctors detect abnormal heart rhythms & issues with heart devices faster 1,2
- Reduces hospitalizations and ER visits 3,4
- Increases Quality of Life 4
- Provides patients with a sense of security and peace of mind 5-7
Remote monitoring is prescribed by your doctor. It provides easy access to information that allows your doctor to:
- Manage your heart condition
- Monitor your implanted heart device
- Obtain information from your implanted heart device on an as-needed basis
Information from your heart device goes straight to your clinic. Your doctor will be alerted if there’s a concern.*
CareAlert™ Notifications are available for wireless devices only, and are designated by your clinic.