HeartSine Samaritan 360P AED Package

Every HeartStart OnSite comes ready-to-rescue. The device is pre-installed in the carrying case and battery and pads are pre-installed in the device. Simply pull the handle on the front of the AED to activate it. The HeartStart OnSite provides on-demand audio coaching. Calm, clear voice instructions are tailored to the responders actions, providing AED and CPR guidance during the resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim.

UDI PArt # Part #: 350-BAC-US-10

Demonstration Videos

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What’s Included:
  • Brand New HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P AED
  • 8 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty
  • Adult Pad-Pak (electrode pads/battery combo pack)
  • User Manual
  • Quick Reference Card
  • Carrying Case
  • Training Video (downloadable)
  • Medical Prescription / Authorization
  • Heart Smart CPR/AED Rescue Kit (HSRK-10)
  • Heart Smart Inspection / Maintenance Tag (HST-ACC01)
  • Heart Smart “AED Equipped Facility” Decal (HST-ACC02)
  • UPS Ground Shipping (lower 48 states only)
  • Cloud Based AED Program Management
HeartSine Samaritan AED 360P (Fully Auto)

Compact, Easy-to-Use, Lifesaving Technology for Anybody to Use.

Sudden cardiac arrest strikes 7 million people a year worldwide with no warning and no pattern. There’s little time to react and even less time to think. This means an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) must be close at hand, easy to use and ready to shock.

The fully automatic Heartsine Samaritan PAD 360P (SAM 360P) offers industry leading value and protection, all in an easy-to-operate system in the smallest and lightest package available.

Ready to Shock

Portable and lightweight the HeartSine samaritan AED is much smaller and lighter than other AEDs at only 2.4 lbs.

Highest level of protection against dust and water.

With its IP56 rating, the Heartsine Samaritan AED defibrillator offers unmatched ruggedness.

Easy-to-Follow Visual and Verbal Guides

User friendly and easy-to-understand visual and voice prompts guide the rescuer through the entire resuscitation process, including CPR which is a key link in the chain of survival.

One Button Operation

With just an ON/OFF button the Samaritan 360P AED offers a simple, straightforward operation; It’s lifesaving, pure and simple.

Automatic Shock Delivery

After analyzing heart rhythm, the Samaritan 360P will automatically and safely deliver a shock (if needed), eliminating the need for the rescuer to push a shock button.

Always ready

A System Status Ready Indicator flashes to show that the complete system is operational and ready for use. The device automatically runs a self-check each week.

Simple to Own

The innovative Pad-Pak is an integrated battery and electrode single-use cartridge with one expiration date requiring one simple maintenance change every four years.

Low cost of ownership

With a shelf life of four years from date of manufacture, the Pad-Pak offers significant savings over other defibrillators that require separate battery and electrode replacements.


User Manual

Start Guide


Helpful Hints


Simple to Operate

Turns on with easy-to-use pull handle

Every HeartStart OnSite comes ready-to-rescue. The device is pre-installed in the carrying case and battery and pads are pre-installed in the device. Simply pull the handle on the front of the AED to activate it.

Guided Audio Instruction

Talks you through your training

The HeartStart OnSite provides on-demand audio coaching. Calm, clear voice instructions are tailored to the responders actions, providing AED and CPR guidance during the resuscitation of a sudden cardiac arrest victim.

SMART Biphasic Therapy

Safely delivers maximum shock strength

Philips SMART Biphasic therapy uses a unique combination of high current – to maximize effectiveness, and a lower energy dose – to minimize side effects that are harmful to a fragile heart.

Built-in Self Test

Ready when needed

Your HeartStart OnSite goes through a 120-point test before it leaves the factory. On the job, it conducts self tests every single day, not just weekly. It performs over 80 different tests in all. Even the pads are tested for readiness.

Quick Shock Feature

Minimize chest compression interruptions

CPR is even more vital to survival than previously realized. Rapidly delivering shock after chest compressions is critical. The HeartStart OnSites Quick Shock feature reduces the time between hands-off and shock delivery.

Integrated SMART Pads

Senses application to patient skin

The pads are “smart” because they can sense that they have been removed from the cartridge and applied to the patient. This helps the HeartStart OnSite know at what point the user is in the response process.

Visual Queues

Clear, intuitive icon driven operation

The HeartStart OnSites graphics-based visual instructions are designed to communicate instantly, with minimum reading and interpretation. Users not fluent in the devices language can follow easily.


What is AED?

What is AED? An AED, or automated external defibrillator, is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It's Read more...