Nutricia Flocare® Pumps
Flocare® Infinity™ pumps are small, lightweight, portable and adaptable to suit any situation. They safely and accurately deliver a nutritional regimen without compromising your quality of life. Flocare Infinity pumps are the most accurate feeding pumps available and will help you to easily and safely administer the feeding regime prescribed by your health care professional.
Demonstration Videos
• This Flocare® Infinity™ pump in combination with the adapter and the Flocare® Infinity™ Nurse Call are designed
to EN 60601-1-2, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, RTCA DO-160D standards for electromagnetic emissions
and immunity and are in compliance with Directive 93/42/EEC.
• IEC 601: Class II Medical Device Directive: Class IIa
• Microprocessor controlled
• Type BF Shock Protection (EN60601-1) degree of protection against electrical shock. No electrical connection
to the patient. Drop from any height of 90cm shall not damage pump operation.
• Charger: input 100-240V AC / 50-60 Hz / 0.4A Max.
output 5 V DC 2.4 A
• Battery: internal rechargeable Lithium ion battery, 3.6 V DC 2000 mAh
• Battery capacity: 24 hours at 125 ml/h
• IPX 5: EN60529 degree of protection against water entering the enclosure. Water jets from any direction
shall have no effect on the pump.
• Dimensions: 140 x 95 x 35 mm
• Weight: approx. 392 g
• Accuracy flow rate: ±5,0% with appropriate Flocare® Infinity™ pump set
• Humidity: Operation mode: 30% to 75% noncondensing
Storage: 10% to 95 % noncondensing
• Temperature: Operation mode: +5°C to +40°C
Storage and transportation: -20°C to +65°C
• Atmospheric pressure: Operation mode: 70-106 kPa
Storage and transportation: 50-106 kPa
• Occlusion detection pressure: Upstream occlusion: -34 kPa (tolerance 21 kPa)
Downstream occlusion: 83 kPa (tolerane 21 kPa)
• Air bubble detection: The amount of air, that must pass the air sensor before the air alarm is activated, varies
from 0.5 to 1,5 ml which relates to an air bubble with an approximate length in the tubing of 9 – 26 cm.
• The Flocare® Infinity™ can safely be operated on commercial aircraft.
• The use of other accessories, adaptors and cables than listed within this manual may result in increased
emissions or decreased immunity of the equipment of the Flocare® Infinity™ pump.
• Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put
into service according to the EMC information provided in the accompanying documents.
• Portable and mobile RF communications equipment (cellular telephones) can affect medical electrical equipment. If the Flocare® Infinity™ pump is used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment, the pump should
be observed to verify normal operation.
• In case of pump scrapping, always notify your Nutricia sales unit of the pumps serial number.
• The pump and its electrical accessories (AC Adapter Charger and Data Download Accessory Cable),
should be disposed of according to local standards and regulations governing the disposal of electronic
waste (e-waste). Other accessories can be disposed of or recycled as standard non-hazardous waste.
Helpful Hints
This troubleshooting guide will provide you with more information and guidance on Flocare® Infinity™ alerts and information messages.
Move your mouse over a pump display message below to discover how to deal with it.
- Press ON/OFF to switch off the pump
- Insert the Flocare® Infinity set into the pump following instructions for use
- Restart the pump
- The pump has been untouched in hold mode for over 3 minutes
- Extend the hold mode by a further 3 minutes by pressing START/STOP
- Program the pump and press START/STOP to start the pump
- The programmed dose/volume has been administered
- Press start/stop to switch off the alarm
- Press INFO and then CLR to reset the administered volume (to reset the flow rate and dose as well, press the CLR button for 3 seconds)
- Door is not closed properly
- Close the door
- Flow rate has not been programmed
- Program flow rate
- Check if the set is inserted correctly and check the air sensor
- Remove the air in the set by using FILL SET key
- Connect the adaptor to the pump and mains and charge the pump for approx. 6 hours
- During charging the pump can be used
- Battery failure
- Please refer the pump for service
- Check the feeding set (IN) or feeding tube (OUT) for blockages
- Reinsert the set and start the pump, if necessary clean the sensors
OCC OUT (repeated)
- Stop the pump by pressing the START/STOP key
- Let it run briefly by repressing the START/STOP key
- Stop the pump again with START/STOP key, ensuring there has been no OCC OUT alarm
- Remove the set from the pump and reinsert it into the pump
- Restart the pump by pressing START/STOP
- The programming feature is blocked in the set-up mode of the pump
- Refer to instruction booklet to de-block
- Electronic error
- Switch the pump off, make sure the pump door is closed and turn the pump back on
- If the error persists, please refer the pump for service
NO PLUG SYMBOL (when connected to mains)
- The wall outlet or the adaptor does not work
- Connect to another wall outlet
- If there is still no symbol, request replacement of the adaptor
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