
Babyscripts was founded six years ago to rethink the delivery of pregnancy care through the power of technology and remote patient monitoring and address the critical shortage of obstetrical providers in the U.S. Babyscripts offers comprehensive virtual maternity care which, through managing various levels of risk, addresses an outdated model for pregnancy care that has not moved the needle in decreasing maternal morbidity and mortality; an inability to address social determinants of health; and now the critical need to transition care outside of the clinic due to Covid-19. The company’s solution for virtual maternity care manages the various risk-levels of a maternal health population to address some of the largest drivers of costs and complications in perinatal care.

Babyscripts Suppport (web link)

How it works.

myJourney and Covid-19-8

Babyscripts myJourney is a mobile app with patient and provider-facing portals; daily education, reminders, and checklists to support the patient through prenatal and postpartum phases; weight tracking tools, and practice-specific resources.


Babyscripts myBloodPressure is an intelligent solution for remote blood pressure monitoring in the pregnancy and postpartum period. Deploy end-to-end, risk-specific virtual care programs for blood pressure to manage your maternal population remotely.


Babyscripts’ remote monitoring for maternal mental health is the first obstetrics point-of-care product on the market to remotely monitor and address mental health issues in the pregnancy and postpartum period. Babyscripts myMentalHealth offers mothers a safe, convenient, and private way to assess their mental health under the supervision of their provider, and immediately be connected to necessary resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (web link)